Friday, 8 July 2011

How could I forget!

I found these photos on my camera from when Evs and myself went on an adventure in north and west Wales. I can not believe I forgot about them. 

The landscape we drove through was incredible. The weather was beautiful but the landscape is beautiful in all weathers.


The landscape really is inspiring and, although it sounds pretty cheesy, makes you feel alive. I don't really know how to explain this feeling, all I know is that I had a permanent grin on my face for the whole drive and I felt so happy.

These photos are from the Welsh wildlife centre in Cilgerran, Cardigan. We had no idea this place existed. I spotted it on the map and we decided to have a quick look. A quick look turned into a few ours, sitting in the various hides and exploring the hills and marshes looking for new birds to add to out list.

Here is the view from our tent in St Davids. It was beautiful. We risked our tent being blown away to be able to look out over the water.

What an adventure!

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