Friday, 27 May 2011

Third time lucky

On our way to the Liverpool tattoo convention Evs and myself stopped at the national cycle collection in Llandrindod wells. It was the third time we had attempted to visit the the collection while on our way to other conventions up north. The museum is manned by volunteers so unfortunately they are unable to be open every day, plus the previous attempts to visit had been off season, however it is NOW OPEN from 10am until 4am monday to friday. 

There is a small charge of £3.50 and it is worth every penny. The amount and variety of bikes they have is amazing. Many of the bikes there have played a vital part in many historical sporting events.

The old advertisements, posters and news paper clippings were definitely one of my favourite parts of the collection, there is something about them, all worn and damaged that I find fascinating 

We walked around, with big grins on our faces in awe of what we were seeing.

Cycling jerseys just aren't the same anymore. They are now covered in bright horrible garish logos. I love old jerseys, in particular, the colours, they look very european. I think that part of the appeal is also the stories, dramas and battles that the shirt has witnessed.

The mannequins were so creepy, this one has a lovely black eye ball. 

This guy looked like his face had been chewed and then stuck back together.

So, if you are ever driving through Llandrindod wells you should pop in for a good look around. I think we are going to have to go back for a longer visit, we had to rush a little, as we had to get to Liverpool by a certain time.

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